Consignment & Trades
We are happy to find a new home for your existing high quality audio equipment
Computer Audio Support
Over the phone or over the computer service with Amarra, JRiver, Tidal, Roon, iTunes and several other audio software packages
Audio Networking
Networking music servers and streamers
A collection of fine audio product selected with passion
Audio Archon is an authorized dealer for the following high-end products:
Archon Cables, Audio Note (UK), Berkeley Audio Design, Black Cat Cable, BOX Furniture, Bricasti Design, CODA, Devore Fidelity, Ensemble, Furutech, Harbeth, IsoAcoustics, Lateral Equipment Stands, Linear Tube Audio, LUMIN, NSMT Loudspeakers, Playback Designs, Puritan Labs, Riviera, SPL, Sugden, Sophia Electric and Ton Träger Stands

Audio Archon is located in the Chicago Area and was started in 2004. Our mission is to provide the ultimate audio experience through innovative and attainable products in a home environment...yours or ours.

Contact Us
Auditions are by appointment only
Please call or e-mail to setup
Hours :
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm CST
​​Friday: 8am - 3pm CST​